Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm not whole.

I found a fragment of myself... fallen beneath my bed.
I wonder how long it had been there, hidden.

I wonder how many I've lost.
Perhaps too many.

I feel like a set of puzzles, splashed all over.
Some little pieces were missing.
I can't pull myself together.

I'm not whole, just a fragment of a picture.

I found a fragment of myself, so long been hidden.
A memory, purposely forgotten.
A feeling, harshly repressed.
I've pretended not to care.

Shall I put the puzzles back together?
Puzzles are never too hard of a game.
But life is never a game.

Shall I find those fragments I've lost?
Or shall I keep it lost?

If I'm whole, would I be decent?
If I'm whole would you see different?"

See me.
My thoughts are lost.

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